Sunday, June 29, 2008

Her Name Ain't Rio

…and she doesn’t dance on the sand, but occasionally she does prance around on the concrete in a bathing suit from the 1930s shielding her face from the Texas Sun under a paper umbrella. And really, who doesn’t? (Okay I don’t, but that’s another story.)

But here’s the real question: where oh where is Chef Christy marching to? Well, you can’t see it in the photo, but way off in the distance is a pastry lover’s paradise, a confectionary lover’s cloud nine, a sweet tooth’s Shangri-La—alright, alright, you get it already.

You want to go there don’t you? I don’t blame you, I do too. Well, I hate to be a Tease but the truth of the matter is you’ll just have to wait. Do stay tuned…

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Roll the Dice!

Folks, when it comes to jaw-dropping, head-turning specialty cakes, the key ingredient is your imagination. Why be conventional? Ok, ok, so you're savvy enough to go beyond the old sheet cake. You're with it enough to raise the stakes with flavor. Now it's time to double down on the design. What's the occasion? Who's it for? Go all in with personalization. Show up with a cake that defies expectation and you'll guarantee your status as V.I.P at all future gatherings. Trust me here, the odds you'll walk away a winner are in your favor.
And while I've got you at the table, let me remind you that you needn't wait for a special occasion to treat yourself to a tempting Sweet Tempered dessert. So go ahead and make the can't lose!