Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Note to Our Cherished Customers

I used to love Mr. Bill. I always, always mute commercials because 99.9% of them are so annoying. But I love the Visa commercial with Mr. Bill. Mr. Bill is the kind of person who cannot have a bad day. He sees the positive in everything. When coffee is spilt all over him, he "always wanted brown shoes." When he gets thrown, literally, onto a bus, he's relieved to find it's running right on schedule.

If there's is anything I know about myself, it's that I am no Mr. Bill.

I have expectations. I like for good things to happen. I like to be pleased. So, if you find that you are a person more like me and less like Mr. Bill, then you can delight in knowing that our goal is to please you. We don't want to spill coffee on your shoes and tell you they look better brown. We don't want to spill coffee on your shoes at all! We just want you to be happy!

Yes We Can!

First things first: I must, once again, apologize for the delay in communication. Just know that, although I, ahem, We, have been very busy, we have been thinking of you. Some of you may have already popped into the new storefront to say Hi. Oh how we love you! For the rest of you, don't fret, you can redeem yourselves any Monday thru Saturday from 9am to 8pm. ;)

So, like I said, we've been super busy. Doing What? Well, tis the season to get married in Texas. Ah, 80 plus degree November can't beat 'em. Anystreusel, check out some of the delightful and tasty cakes our brides and grooms have had the pleasure to serve their treasured guests recently:

First up, my personal favorite. What's not to love about Dia De Los Muertos cake toppers?

This one's pretty cool, too. The bride and groom came in with an awesome image done in the traditional style of Mehndi hand painting. Hard to tell in the pic, but the three dimensional cake topper Christy made was impressive, too.

PDT = Pretty Darn Tasty!


And even a couple for the groom:

Luckiest man, huh? Well, you'll get no argument from my boyfriend! (Womp, Womp)

Apparently there are some San Francisco 49ers fans living in Austin. Must've seen the last four
Cowboys games. (Womp, Womp)

I think those are pretty noteworthy! To be sure, other important events have passed in the recent weeks besides weddings.
Like, birthdays!

Cheaper insurance and better gas milage makes this Ferrari affordable even in this economy!

NINETY YEARS OLD! And still fixing stuff. That dad rules!

Hmm. It seems like something else MONUMENTAL happened recently. Let's see... it wasn't a wedding, or birthday. I remember it was something that affected the ENTIRE WORLD. Well, I can't think of it right now. Must be all the sugar.