Monday, September 29, 2008

The Wait Is Over!


The official grand opening will take place Saturday October 11 (details to follow), but no need to wait because the doors will be open, the coffee will be pouring, and the pastries will be baking tomorrow.
I don't know about you, wait, yes I do, if your reading this blog then you care--you really care (!) and are likely as excited as I am! OK, wait, you may not be as excited as I am, but, you will be when you see the place. And guess what? I, you're humble blogger, will be working behind the counter on Saturday mornings. So if you're one of the, oh, I don't know, three to seven people who read this blog then come say hi! I wish I could say something like "mention you read the blog and receive a free cookie" or something like that, but as things are what with a small business and apparently there's some kind of crisis on Wall Street and such, I'm afraid I'm going to have to charge you. But I can say that all of you who read this blog do not have to tip me! How's that for enticement?

So, to sum up, we will be ready for your most cherished patronage starting tomorrow at nine am and continuing until those whacky scientists in Sweden create a giant black hole that sucks us all in. Life is uncertain, come have a cupcake with us!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Knock, Knock!

Yes? Who's there?

OH! It's YOU!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Have You Missed Us?

Dearest Cupcakes,

We are very sorry it's been so long since you've heard from us. We've been very busy, and we are doing it all for you--yes, you! Things are really coming along with the new store, and we're excited for you to see it and experience the sweetness within. In the meantime, we've been busy doing that other thing we do, you know...bake. Summer, as you well know, is the season of birthdays. In August we celebrated Lily's (the First Daughter of Sweet Tempered) first birthday and Shelly's (Sweet Tempered's official taster) thirtysomethingorother. And although Texas in the middle of summer might not be the most traditional or practical time and place for a wedding, knots were tied nonetheless.

What the?! God that cake looks good! OK, OK, I'll suffer the heat of your outdoor wedding if you promise I'll get a slice. Two slices? Please let it be Red Velvet.
Huh? What do you mean there's more? A week after the wedding there was a birthday party for a little tike with a cake in the shape of a giant jet-ski? Why wasn't I aware of this?

Cheese and Rice! Look how big that thing is. Okay, so you didn't want to invite me...I understand. But for the love of sugar couldn't you just have cut me a piece off and taken it home in some tupperware? Hmph!